The Residence at Fitz Farm resident Dell Diehl holds a cup of beer during a happy hour event held near the history of beer in York exhibit at the senior living community.
A display of vintage beer signs and bottles as well as photographs of breweries and brewers is included in The Residence at Fitz Farm exhibit about the history of beer in York.
The Residence at Fitz Farm Exhibit Showcases Region’s Rich History of Beer
YORK, Pa. — Think about how often a couple full glasses or bottles of beer clanged together in a toast to a special occasion, a big win in the athletic arena, or a milestone moment.
“There’s nothing like the taste of a cold beer,” is a statement that’s made the rounds for decades, if not centuries.
Most people might not realize the history associated with that cold, frosty drink of beer they enjoy at a local establishment, backyard gathering or in front of their television set.
York, Pennsylvania, has a rich history in the brewing industry, dating back to the 19th century. The Residence at Fitz Farm pays tribute to that brewing legacy via an exhibit located in the Rathskeller area across from the main lobby at the new senior living community in York.
“I worked with Rich Wagner, a beer historian, and this project was special to both of us,” said Kevin Cysyk, Vice President of Development Acquisition and CapEx for IntegraCare, which operates The Residence at Fitz Farm.
“Rich had done a project for a local history center and he allowed us to use some of his photos. We documented some of the history of brewing in York, with some photos of the actual pre-prohibition breweries.”
“The display includes a few relics tied to York’s brewing history, thanks to Cysyk’s determination.
“I scoured the local antique shops and only found two bottles from that time period,” he said. “But recently we acquired from an avid collector a dozen more bottles that were produced for those breweries. I plan to incorporate them into the display.”
Senior residents at the Residence at Fitz Farm and their family members have an opportunity to soak up the history. Even though it celebrated its grand opening this spring, the senior living community is steeped in history, being built on land farmed by four generations of the Fitz family, who provided fresh produce to people in York and the surrounding region for a century.
Cysyk’s collaboration with Wagner in researching the display was a logical move. An author and historian, Wagner has researched Pennsylvania breweries since 1980. Ten years later, he brewed at Pennsbury Manor using reproductions of 17th century equipment. Wagner later developed his own system to demonstrate the brewing process of antiquity at historical sites and festivals.
“Our history of beer exhibit provides our residents, their family members and even our team members an interesting history lesson we all can relate to,” said Brandi Rendler, Executive Operations Officer at The Residence at Fitz Farm. “Anyone who ever has had a beer could appreciate the history. Most of us don’t realize the role that York played in Pennsylvania brewing, starting back in the 1800s.”
Among the items in the display are an 1882 advertisement in a York daily newspaper touting the lager at F.W. Ulrich’s Spring Brewery.
Also in the exhibit, Pennsylvania Dutch folk artist Lewis Miller (1796-1882) depicted Barnitz Brewery in a painting that showed what is believed to be York’s first brewery.
An 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance map showed John Free’s brewery, formerly known as Fornoff’s Brewery. Bottles of Cooper’s Old Bohemian, YorkBev and Bock Beer also are on display.
Among the photographs is one of German immigrant and established brewer Karl E. Katz, who bought his own brewery in York in 1893.
“There is so much to see that you can return to the exhibit a few times and still uncover something new,” Rendler said. “I have to commend Kevin Cysyk and Rich Wagner for their contributions to this important exhibit.”
For more information, contact Kevin Cysyk, IntegraCare Vice President of Development Acquisition and CapEx, at or 412.789.6149.